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SQL Management - Quiz

Select the best answer or answers for each question.
1. What was listed as a benefit of placing all SQL in stored procedures? (Choose all that apply)
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. Access security is easier to control with GRANT EXECUTE.
  B. SQL will run faster than external SQL.
  C. SQL can be pinned into the shared pool.
  D. SQL will automatically optimize itself.

2. What was listed as a SQL tuning goal for the DBA? (Choose all that apply)
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. Eliminate unnecessary hard-coded variables.
  B. Pin frequently-used SQL into the shared pool.
  C. Eliminate all GRANT EXECUTE privileges.
  D. Prevent the use of UNIX SQL*Plus with product_user_profile.

3. What was listed as a primary goal for the SQL developer?
Please select the best answer.
  A. To write the SQL as quickly as possible
  B. To write the SQL to minimize database I/O
  C. To write the SQL inside stored procedures
  D. To write the SQL to use host variables