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Oracle Net Client Configuration - Quiz

Each question is worth one point. Select the best answer or answers for each question.

1. You tnsping the COIN instance, and you get a "Failed to resolve name" message in response. Your tnsnames.ora file contains an entry for "COIN.WORLD". What is the likely reason that your tnsping failed?
Please select the best answer.
  A. The NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN parameter in your sqlnet.ora file is set to something other than \WORLD\.
  B. You cannot use punctuation in a service name, so "COIN.WORLD" is syntactically incorrect.
  C. You did not connect to the server named WORLD when logged into the LAN.
  D. The remote listener does not contain an entry for the WORLD domain.

2. What exactly does a successful execution of the ping command indicate?
Please select the best answer.
  A. The remote host can be contacted over the network.
  B. The remote listener can be contacted over the network.
  C. The database is up and running, and responding to queries.
  D. The listener can communicate with the database.

3. What exactly does a successful execution of the tnsping command indicate?
Please select the best answer.
  A. The remote host can be contacted over the network.
  B. The remote listener can be contacted over the network.
  C. The database is up and running, and responding to queries.
  D. The listener can communicate with the database.

4. What three pieces of information do you need to create a tnsnames.ora entry for a database instance on a TCP/IP network?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. The instance name, or SID
  B. The password for the internal user
  C. The name or TCP/IP address of the host
  D. The port number on which the listener is listening