Database Analysis   «Prev 

Questions to ask during Requirements Analysis

  1. Do your customer service reps need the All permission?
    Yes button, click, move to #4
    No button, click, move to #2
  2. Do customer service reps need to look up existing customer records and orders?
    Yes button, click, move to #5
    No button, click, move to #3
  3. Your customer service reps will need to look up existing records, so they need the Select permission. Click Back to revisit your last choice.
    Back button, click, move to #2
  4. Your customer service reps probably don't need every permission to do their job. Click the Back button to review your last choice.
    Back button, click, move to #1
  5. Do customer service reps need to add new customer and order records?
    No button, click, move to #6
    Yes button, click, move to #10
  6. Your customer service reps will need to enter new customer information and orders, so the Insert permission is required. Click Back to revisit your last choice.
    Back button, click, move to #6
  7. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, and Update. These permissions are enough for your customer service reps to do their job, though you might want to limit the reps' ability to update order records.
    Back button, click, move to #1
  8. Do customer service reps need the References permission?
    No button, click, move to #7
    Yes button, click, move to #13
  9. Do customer service reps need the Delete permission?
    No button, click, move to #8
    Yes button, click, move to #14
  10. Do customer service reps need to update existing records?
    No button, click, move to #11
    Yes button, click, move to #9
  11. Do customer service reps need the Delete permission?
    No button, click, move to #12
    Yes button, click, move to #16
  12. Do customer service reps need the References permission?
    No button, click, move to #21
    Yes button, click, move to #17
  13. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, Update, and References. The Select, Insert, and Update permissions are all necessary, though you may want to limit the reps' ability to change existing orders. The reps won't need to create new tables based on existing data, so the References permission is not necessary. You should consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. This concludes the simulation.
  14. Do customer service reps need the References permission?
    No button, click, move to #18
    Yes button, click, move to #19
  15. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, and Delete. You should probably also assign users the Update permission so they can update customer records, though you may want to limit the reps' ability to change existing orders. You should consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. This concludes the simulation.
  16. Do customer service reps need the References permission?
    No button, click, move to #15
    Yes button, click, move to #20
  17. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, and References. The Select and Insert permissions are all necessary, though you may want to limit the reps' ability to change existing orders. Your reps should also have the Update permission so they can change existing customer records, though you may want to limit their ability to change orders.
    The reps won't need to create new tables based on existing data, so the References permission is not necessary.
    You should consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. This concludes the simulation.
  18. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, Update, and Delete. These permissions are enough for your customer service reps to do their job, though you might want to limit the reps' ability to update order records.
    You should also consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. This concludes the simulation.
  19. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and References. The Select, Insert, and Update permissions are enough for your customer service reps to do their job, though you might want to limit the reps' ability to update order records.
    You should also consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. The reps won't need to create new tables based on existing data, so the References permission is not necessary. This concludes the simulation.
  20. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select, Insert, Delete, and References. You should probably also assign users the Update permission so they can update customer records, though you may want to limit the reps' ability to change existing orders.
    You should consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. The reps will not need to create new tables based on existing data, so the References permission is not necessary. This concludes the simulation.
  21. You assigned customer service reps the following permissions: Select and Insert. You should probably also assign users the Update permission so they can update customer records, though you may want to limit the reps' ability to change existing orders.
    You should consider whether the customer service staff should be able to delete existing orders or customer records, though that decision will reflect company policy. The reps won't need to create new tables based on existing data, so the References permission is not necessary. This concludes the simulation.