Performance Tuning   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 9

Oracle Performance Tuning (Conclusion)

This module has served as a high-level overview of Oracle tuning. While we will address the details later, you should now be able to:
  1. Describe the layout of Oracle components
  2. Describe how database design effects performance
  3. Contrast third normal form with de-normalized design
  4. Describe the characteristics of a high-performing database
  5. Identify Oracle physical components that effect performance
  6. Identify five Oracle components that can be tuned
  7. Describe the metrics of Oracle performance
Question: How should a database modeler contrast third normal form with de-normalized design?
Third Normal Form (3NF) and de-normalized design are two approaches used in database modeling.
In 3NF, each table in the database represents a single entity or relationship, and data is organized in a way that eliminates redundancy and minimizes data anomalies. This is achieved by breaking down tables into smaller, more specialized ones, and establishing relationships between them using foreign keys. The goal is to minimize the amount of duplicate data in the database and ensure data consistency.
De-normalized design, on the other hand, is an approach that intentionally introduces redundancy in the database. This is done to improve query performance by reducing the need for complex joins and improving data retrieval speed. In a de-normalized design, data is stored in fewer tables than in a normalized design, and the tables may contain more columns.
The choice between 3NF and de-normalized design depends on the specific requirements of the database and its intended use. If data consistency and integrity are the highest priority, a 3NF design is likely the best choice. If query performance is the highest priority and data consistency can be compromised to some extent, a de-normalized design may be more appropriate.

New terms

Here are the terms from this module that may be new to you.
  1. Logical database design
  2. Physical database design
  3. Performance metrics
  4. Logical database design tuning
  5. Physical table design tuning
  6. SQL tuning
  7. SGA tuning
  8. Environmental tuning

We will look at the business requirements of tuning.

Performance Tuning Overview - Quiz

Now let us wrap-up this module with a quiz.
Performance Tuning Overview - Quiz