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Hit Ratio and Cache in Oracle using snap.sql

set linesize 75;
set pagesize 9999;
set pause off;
set echo off;
set termout on;
set showmode off;
set feedback off;
set newpage 1;
set verify off;

spool snap.lst
--spool /tmp/snap;

prompt **********************************************************
prompt  Hit Ratio Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt         ========================= 
prompt         BUFFER HIT RATIO 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt (should be > 70, else increase db_block_buffers in init.ora)

--select trunc((1-(sum(decode(name,'physical reads',value,0))/
--                (sum(decode(name,'db block gets',value,0))+
--               (sum(decode(name,'consistent gets',value,0)))))
--             )* 100) "Buffer Hit Ratio"
--from v$sysstat;
column "logical_reads" format 99,999,999,999
column "phys_reads"    format 999,999,999
column "phy_writes"    format 999,999,999
select a.value + b.value  "logical_reads",
       c.value            "phys_reads",
       d.value            "phy_writes",
       round(100 * ((a.value+b.value)-c.value) / (a.value+b.value))  
from v$sysstat a, v$sysstat b, v$sysstat c, v$sysstat d
   a.statistic# = 37
   b.statistic# = 38
   c.statistic# = 39
   d.statistic# = 40;

prompt         ========================= 
prompt         DATA DICT HIT RATIO 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt (should be higher than 90 else increase shared_pool_size in init.ora)

column "Data Dict. Gets"            format 999,999,999
column "Data Dict. cache misses"    format 999,999,999
select sum(gets) "Data Dict. Gets",
       sum(getmisses) "Data Dict. cache misses",
       trunc((1-(sum(getmisses)/sum(gets)))*100) "DATA DICT CACHE HIT RATIO"
from v$rowcache;
prompt         ========================= 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt (If > 1 then increase the shared_pool_size in init.ora)
column "LIBRARY CACHE MISS RATIO" format 99.9999
column "executions"    format 999,999,999
column "Cache misses while executing"    format 999,999,999
select sum(pins) "executions", sum(reloads) "Cache misses while executing",
    (((sum(reloads)/sum(pins)))) "LIBRARY CACHE MISS RATIO"
from v$librarycache; 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt          Library Cache Section
prompt         ========================= 
prompt hit ratio should be > 70, and pin ratio > 70 ...
column "reloads" format 999,999,999
select namespace, trunc(gethitratio * 100) "Hit ratio",
trunc(pinhitratio * 100) "pin hit ratio", reloads "reloads"
from v$librarycache;
prompt         ========================= 
prompt         REDO LOG BUFFER 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt (should be near 0, else increase size of LOG_BUFFER in init.ora) 
set heading off
column value format 999,999,999
select substr(name,1,30),
from v$sysstat where name = 'redo log space requests';
set heading on
prompt **********************************************************
prompt Free memory should be > 1,000
prompt **********************************************************

column bytes format 999,999,999
select name, bytes  from v$sgastat where name = 'free memory';
prompt **********************************************************
prompt  SQL Summary Section
prompt **********************************************************
column "Tot SQL run since startup"    format 999,999,999
column "SQL executing now"      format 999,999,999
select sum(executions) "Tot SQL run since startup",
       sum(users_executing) "SQL executing now"
       from v$sqlarea;
prompt **********************************************************
prompt  Lock Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt         ========================= 
prompt          SYSTEM-WIDE LOCKS - all requests for locks or latches
prompt         ========================= 
select substr(username,1,12) "User",
       substr(lock_type,1,18) "Lock Type",
       substr(mode_held,1,18) "Mode Held"
  from sys.dba_lock a, v$session b
  where lock_type not in ('Media Recovery','Redo Thread')
  and a.session_id = b.sid;
prompt         ========================= 
prompt          DDL LOCKS - These are usually triggers or other DDL 
prompt         ========================= 
select substr(username,1,12) "User",
       substr(owner,1,8) "Owner",
       substr(name,1,15)  "Name",
       substr(a.type,1,20)  "Type",
       substr(mode_held,1,11) "Mode held"
from sys.dba_ddl_locks a, v$session b
  where a.session_id = b.sid;
prompt         ========================= 
prompt           DML LOCKS - These are table and row locks... 
prompt         ========================= 
select substr(username,1,12) "User",
       substr(owner,1,8) "Owner",
       substr(name,1,20)  "Name",
       substr(mode_held,1,21) "Mode held"
from sys.dba_dml_locks a, v$session b
  where a.session_id = b.sid;

prompt **********************************************************
prompt  Latch Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt if miss_ratio or immediate_miss_ratio > 1 then  latch
prompt contention exists, decrease LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE in init.ora
column "miss_ratio" format 999.99
column "immediate_miss_ratio" format 99.99
select substr(,1,30) name,
  (misses/(gets+.001))*100 "miss_ratio",
  (immediate_misses/(immediate_gets+.001))*100 "immediate_miss_ratio"
  from v$latch l, v$latchname ln
 where l.latch# = ln.latch#
 and (
  (misses/(gets+.001))*100 > .2
  (immediate_misses/(immediate_gets+.001))*100 > .2 )
 order by;
prompt **********************************************************
prompt  Rollback Segment Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt if any count below is > 1% of the total number of requests for data
prompt then more rollback segments are needed
prompt if free list > 1% then increase FREELIST in init.ora 

--column count format 999,999,999
select class, count
  from v$waitstat
where class in ('free list','system undo header','system undo block',
                'undo header','undo block')
group by class,count;

column "Tot # of Requests for Data" format 999,999,999
select sum(value) "Tot # of Requests for Data" from v$sysstat where 
name in ('db block gets', 'consistent gets');

prompt         ========================= 
prompt         ========================= 
prompt          If any ratio is > .01 then more rollback segments are needed

column "Ratio" format 99.99999
select name, waits, gets, waits/gets "Ratio"
  from v$rollstat a, v$rollname b
where a.usn = b.usn;
column "total_waits" format 999,999,999 
column "total_timeouts" format 999,999,999 
set feedback on;
prompt **********************************************************
prompt  Session Event Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt if average-wait > 0 then contention exists
 select substr(event,1,30) event, 
       total_waits, total_timeouts, average_wait
 from v$session_event
where average_wait > 0 ;
--or total_timeouts > 0;

prompt **********************************************************
prompt Queue Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt average wait for queues should be near zero ...
column "totalq"   format 999,999,999
column "# queued" format 999,999,999
select paddr, type "Queue type", queued "# queued", wait, totalq,
decode(totalq,0,0,wait/totalq) "AVG WAIT" from v$queue;
prompt here are waits within each tablesace
   substr(event,1,30) event,
   substr(tablespace_name,1,14) tablespace,
   p2 block
from v$session_wait a, dba_data_files b
a.p1 = b.file_id
event = 'lock element waits'
event = 'lock element cleanup'
event = 'buffer busy waits'
event = 'DFS enqueue lock acquisition'
event = 'DFS enqueue lock handle'
event = 'db file sequential read'
prompt here are sessions counts waiting for block in these tablespaces
       substr(a.tablespace_name,1,12) ts_name,
from v$session b, dba_data_files a
b.row_wait_file# = a.file_id
  row_wait_file# <> 0
and type='USER'
group by

prompt **********************************************************
prompt Session Events Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt These are the system-wide totals 
set pages 999;

column c0 format 999;
column c1 heading 'event'        format a35;
column c2 heading 'tot waits'    format 9,999,999;
column c3 heading 'tot timeouts' format 9,999,999;
column c4 heading 'avg waits'    format 9,999,999;

select distinct 
   substr(event,1,35) c1, 
   sum(total_waits)        c2, 
   sum(total_timeouts)     c3, 
   sum(average_wait)       c4
 from v$session_event
average_wait > 0 
total_timeouts > 0
group by
order by
sum(total_timeouts) desc;
prompt **********************************************************
prompt Session summary by tablespace Section
prompt **********************************************************
prompt This is a summary of activity by tablespace
prompt high buffer busy waits may indicate the need for more freelists 

column c0 heading 'tablespace'   format a14;
column c1 heading 'event'        format a25;
column c2 heading 'tot waits'    format 999,999;
column c3 heading 'tot timeouts' format 999,999;
column c4 heading 'avg waits'    format 999,999;
break on c0 skip 1;
select distinct
   substr(b.tablespace_name,1,14) c0,
   substr(a.event,1,25) c1,
   sum(a.total_waits)        c2, 
   sum(a.total_timeouts)     c3, 
   sum(a.average_wait)       c4
 from v$session_event a, dba_data_files b, v$session c
a.sid = c.sid
b.file_id = c.ROW_WAIT_FILE#
average_wait > 0
total_timeouts > 10
total_waits > 1000
group by
order by
sum(total_waits) desc;
Now, let's execute this SQL on our system and see the results.


Command is "SQL>snap"

Output follows:

Hit Ratio Section

(should be > 70, else increase db_block_buffers in init.ora)

  logical_reads   phys_reads   phy_writes BUFFER HIT RATIO
--------------- ------------ ------------ ----------------
  1,514,647,648   72,344,700    6,336,729               95

(should be higher than 90 else increase shared_pool_size in init.ora)

Data Dict. Gets Data Dict. cache misses DATA DICT CACHE HIT RATIO
--------------- ----------------------- -------------------------
      3,884,461                  90,343                        97

(If > 1 then increase the shared_pool_size in init.ora)
executions Cache misses while executing LIBRARY CACHE MISS RATIO
------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------
   2,589,057                        7,546                    .0029

Library Cache Section
hit ratio should be > 70, and pin ratio > 70 ...

NAMESPACE        Hit ratio pin hit ratio      reloads
--------------- ---------- ------------- ------------
SQL AREA                96            98        5,822
TABLE/PROCEDURE         87            90        1,722
BODY                    99            99            0
TRIGGER                100           100            0
INDEX                    0             0            1
CLUSTER                 30            20            1
OBJECT                 100           100            0
PIPE                    99            99            0
(should be near 0, else increase size of LOG_BUFFER in init.ora)

redo log space requests             127,165

Free memory should be > 1,000

NAME                              BYTES
-------------------------- ------------
free memory                   1,620,620

SQL Summary Section
Tot SQL run since startup SQL executing now
------------------------- -----------------
                  567,498                 8

Lock Section

SYSTEM-WIDE LOCKS - all requests for locks or latches

no rows selected
DDL LOCKS - These are usually triggers or other DDL

no rows selected

DML LOCKS - These are table and row locks...

no rows selected
Latch Section
if miss_ratio or immediate_miss_ratio > 1 then  latch
contention exists, decrease LOG_SMALL_ENTRY_MAX_SIZE in init.ora

NAME                           miss_ratio immediate_miss_ratio
------------------------------ ---------- --------------------
cache buffers chains                  .59                  .01
cache buffers lru chain               .17                  .57
latch wait list                       .61                  .00
parallel query alloc buffer         15.26                  .00
parallel query stats                 9.52                  .00
process queue reference               .03                79.83
query server freelists               1.83                  .00
redo copy                           98.61                  .02
Rollback Segment Section
if any count below is > 1% of the total number of requests for data
then more rollback segments are needed
if free list > 1% then increase FREELIST in init.ora

CLASS                   COUNT
------------------ ----------
free list                   0
system undo block           0
system undo header          0
undo block                 24
undo header             20969

Tot # of Requests for Data


If any ratio is > .01 then more rollback segments are needed

NAME                                WAITS       GETS     Ratio
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------
SYSTEM                                  0       1683    .00000
R02                                    11      23928    .00046
R03                                     9      29812    .00030
R04                                    11      34371    .00032
R05                                     6     728563    .00001
R06                                     8     237557    .00003
R07                                     9      63747    .00014
R08                                     8      52912    .00015
R09                                     9      35060    .00026
R10                                    10     178362    .00006
Session Event Section
if average-wait > 0 then contention exists

------------------------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
Null event                        1,464,983              1   2.15970902
Null event                          500,435         81,418   56.8211756
Null event                          450,943         87,818    63.173665
Null event                          428,568         89,966   66.5919644
Null event                          436,297         89,355   65.3663972
latch free                            7,429          7,429   .407726477
latch free                            1,948          1,948   .484599589
latch free                                4              4           .5
latch free                               19             18   .315789474
latch free                               25             25          .56
latch free                                5              5           .4
latch free                              104            104   .269230769
latch free                                2              2           .5
latch free                               47             47   .255319149
latch free                               14             14   .428571429
latch free                              244            243   .278688525
latch free                               34             34   .529411765
latch free                               52             52   .269230769
latch free                          236,721        236,721   .403876293
latch free                              292            282    .20890411
latch free                               85             41   .635294118
latch free                               32             32       .40625
pmon timer                          117,843        102,420   264.268315
rdbms ipc reply                         540              0   20.4592593
rdbms ipc reply                         448            419   191.535714
rdbms ipc reply                           3              0   41.6666667
rdbms ipc reply                          19              1   38.7894737
rdbms ipc reply                           2              0         35.5
rdbms ipc message                    65,319         50,400   232.629097
rdbms ipc message                   252,523         92,714   113.381114
rdbms ipc message                   102,411        101,871   299.088399
rdbms ipc message                       176            176   177002.386
enqueue                                 633            573   287.704581
enqueue                                 153            139    281.27451
enqueue                                 682            625   283.334311
control file sequential read          1,919              0   .003126628
control file sequential read        617,058              0   .563528874
control file sequential read         15,030              0   .283965403
control file sequential read        415,091              0   .020113662
control file parallel write           5,486              0   4.36766314
control file parallel write          50,908              0    4.2708808
free buffer waits                        84             47   61.7380952
free buffer waits                       304            198   73.8157895
free buffer waits                         2              1         84.5
free buffer waits                        16             15      98.0625
free buffer waits                        83             63   84.6987952
free buffer waits                        18             16   98.0555556
write complete waits                      6              0   9.83333333
buffer busy waits                    19,176         17,895   94.1271381
buffer busy waits                         5              0            2
buffer busy waits                       224              0   1.11160714
buffer busy waits                     1,077              0   1.08635097
buffer busy waits                       345              0   1.17101449
buffer busy waits                       229              0   1.05240175
buffer busy waits                        18              0   1.38888889
log file sequential read                553              0   3.23146474
log file single write                 1,093              0   1.84903934
log file parallel write             151,432              0   14.9760619
log file switch (checkpoint in          248            177   98.2016129
log file switch completion                1              0           69
log file sync                        39,827             81   2.10708816
log file sync                             4              0         41.5
log file sync                            28              0          2.5
log file sync                           107             10   20.4205607
log file sync                            29              0   9.34482759
log file sync                            14              0   13.2857143
log file sync                            12              0   13.5833333
log file sync                            12              0   20.5833333
log file sync                            27              0   2.37037037
log file sync                             3              0   2.66666667
log file sync                             1              0            4
log file sync                            44              0        13.75
log file sync                             2              0            2
db file sequential read                   2              0          6.5
db file sequential read                 566              0   .033568905
db file sequential read                 283              0   .035335689
db file sequential read                  77              0    3.4025974
db file sequential read              40,469              0   3.78173417
db file sequential read               4,114              0   1.30797278
db file sequential read             447,276              0   .978404833
db file sequential read                   1              0            4
db file sequential read              16,317              0   .337500766
db file sequential read                  77              0   1.23376623
db file sequential read               5,470              0   .822669104
db file sequential read               2,444              0    .26309329
db file sequential read               2,268              0   .196208113
db file sequential read                   1              0            5
db file sequential read             161,640              0    .43022148
db file sequential read               4,615              0   .967063922
db file sequential read                 436              0   .350917431
db file sequential read              26,176              0   .361437958
db file sequential read                 326              0   .260736196
db file sequential read                 199              0   .542713568
db file sequential read                  96              0   .104166667
db file sequential read               5,299              0   .125495376
db file sequential read                  28              0   1.10714286
db file sequential read               5,229              0   .625741059
db file scattered read                1,255              0   2.29243028
db file scattered read                2,219              0   2.02929247
db file scattered read              127,114              0   .910961814
db file scattered read                1,750              0   1.20971429
db file scattered read                3,355              0   .892101341
db file scattered read               25,016              0   .419931244
db file scattered read                    1              0            6
db file scattered read              102,547              0   .738207846
db file scattered read               28,464              0   1.85353429
db file scattered read              262,139              0   1.97534896
db file scattered read               10,518              0   1.02918806
db file scattered read               50,532              0   1.24980211
db file scattered read               12,556              0   .774848678
db file scattered read              129,959              0   .648912349
db file scattered read                5,994              0   1.12395729
db file scattered read                  303              0   3.74257426
db file single write                    283              0   1.98939929
db file single write                 40,469              0   3.45790605
db file parallel write              251,531          1,772   46.7045811
smon timer                              979            959   29624.1195
row cache lock                          386            381   299.904145
SQL*Net message to client             2,152              0   .001394052
SQL*Net message to client             5,786              0   .001901141
SQL*Net message to client             2,956              0    .00202977
SQL*Net message to client                20              0          .05
SQL*Net message to client               255              0   .007843137
SQL*Net message to client            69,821              0   .002091061
SQL*Net message to client             1,825              0   .004383562
SQL*Net message to client             1,850              0   .036756757
SQL*Net message to client               774              0    .03875969
SQL*Net more data to client               2              0            1
SQL*Net message from client              34              0   .235294118
SQL*Net message from client              36              0   .472222222
SQL*Net message from client             254              0   65.1299213
SQL*Net message from client           1,785              0   31.0414566
SQL*Net message from client              20              0          104
SQL*Net message from client           5,785              0   73.0914434
SQL*Net message from client           1,849              0   1007.57058
SQL*Net message from client           1,824              0   185.270833
SQL*Net message from client              78              0   4.24358974
SQL*Net message from client             139              0   6.92805755
SQL*Net message from client              19              0   3.84210526
SQL*Net message from client           2,955              0   98.0365482
SQL*Net message from client             136              0   536.088235
SQL*Net message from client           2,151              0   52.8335658
SQL*Net message from client             773              0    2390.9599
SQL*Net message from client          69,821              0   1.50756936
SQL*Net message from client              38              0   .184210526
SQL*Net message from client              13              0   .153846154
SQL*Net more data from client             3              0   .333333333
pipe get                             35,075         33,652   422.997434

148 rows selected.
Queue Section
average wait for queues should be near zero ...

no rows selected

here are waits within each tablesace

SYSDATE   EVENT                          TABLESPACE          BLOCK
--------- ------------------------------ -------------- ----------
25-MAY-99 db file sequential read        BASE2                4938

1 row selected.

here are sessions counts waiting for block in these tablespaces

no rows selected
Session Events Section
These are the system-wide totals

event                                tot waits tot timeouts  avg waits
----------------------------------- ---------- ------------ ----------
Null event                           3,281,301      348,558        254
latch free                             247,058      247,002          7
rdbms ipc message                      420,430      245,162    177,647
pmon timer                             117,844      102,421        264
pipe get                                35,076       33,653        423
buffer busy waits                       21,074       17,895        102
db file parallel write                 251,536        1,772         47
enqueue                                  1,468        1,337        852
smon timer                                 979          959     29,624
rdbms ipc reply                          1,012          420        328
row cache lock                             386          381        300
free buffer waits                          507          340        501
log file switch (checkpoint incompl        248          177         98
log file sync                           40,110           91        148
SQL*Net message from client             87,833            0      4,561
SQL*Net message to client               85,542            0          0
log file parallel write                151,432            0         15
db file scattered read                 763,807            0         27
write complete waits                         6            0         10
log file switch completion                   1            0         69
log file single write                    1,093            0          2
log file sequential read                   553            0          3
db file single write                    40,752            0          5
db file sequential read                723,449            0         33
control file sequential read         1,049,450            0          1
control file parallel write             56,394            0          9
SQL*Net more data from client                3            0          0
SQL*Net more data to client                  2            0          1

28 rows selected.
Session summary by tablespace Section
This is a summary of activity by tablespace
high buffer busy waits may indicate the need for more freelists

no rows selected