Database Administration   «Prev  Next»

Lesson 3 The course project
Objective Get familiar with House-O-Pets, an enterprise Web site.

Database Administration Course Project

House-O-Pets icon
House-O-Pets icon
Imagine you are the DBA for a Web-based vendor of pet products in San Francisco called The House-O-Pets Web site allows people all over the world to purchase pet food, toys, and grooming supplies, as well as to find a local veterinarian. You use Oracle as your back-end database to manage the site and keep track of inventory, customers, and customer purchases.
The House-O-Pets database schema contain object types, object tables, nested tables, a varray, and methods.
You also will use special code to work with large objects (LOBs) within objects.


The Oracle Database at House-O-Pets is, unfortunately, prone to "data loss problems. Only by using the principles and techniques you will learn in this course will you be able to make the House-O-Pets database functional
House-O-Pets is a start-up company that is about to go public, but without its Oracle database functioning at peak performance, it will not be able to keep up with demand for its product. In this course, you will learn how to solve the problems plaguing the House-O-Pets database by reading through the lessons. You will then demonstrate your knowledge of how to repair or improve the database in the exercises. You may be asked to analyze and report on existing code, submit pieces of code, or transfer what you have learned to a new situation. Some of the exercises will consist of evaluative simulations where you will be asked to problem-solve within a simulated Oracle environment.

Fact File

The information you will need to complete each exercise for the course project is included in this Fact File. If you have access to Oracle, download the House-O-Pets SQL script file from the Resources page and run the script on your own database to create the PETSTORE schema. The structure of the schema is illustrated in the Database Diagram tab of the Fact File. You will use these schema when creating queries and handling data. This information will appear in each tutor-submitted exercise. You are about to become involved in the House-O-Pets database.