PL/SQL Transactions   «Prev  Next»

Locking Levels Modes - Exercise

Locking levels and modes

Match Terms and Definitions

Objective: Match terms and definitions about transactions and locks
Match items in the left column with the items in the right column.
In the left column below are six terms with their corresponding definitions in the right column. Match the term in the left column with the definition in the right column to make a match.
When you have all of the terms and their definitions matched, click the Submit button to see if you have matched the terms correctly. When you complete the exercise, click the Submit button to see the correct answers.

Exercise Scoring

You will receive six points for this exercise. The exercise is auto-scored. When you complete the exercise, click the Submit button to receive full credit.
  1. Lock
  2. Data integrity
  3. Transaction control
  4. Exclusive or share
  5. Exclusive row level
  6. Table or row
  1. Valid relationships between tables
  2. Mode of a lock
  3. A marker imposed on a table or row that|||prevents concurrent updates
  4. Level of a lock
  5. A command in PL/SQL to tell Oracl|||when a transaction starts or ends
  6. The implicit lock created on a ro|||when you update or delete it