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Disk I/O and Redo Contention - Quiz

1. Why is it important to spread I/O evenly across drives?
Please select the best answer.
  A. It results in even wear on the hardware.
  B. It ensures that all drives are used.
  C. It maximizes the total I/O throughput.
  D. It minimizes the total I/O throughput.

2. From which of the following sources can you obtain information on data file I/O?
Please select all the correct answers.
  A. The report generated by utlbstat/utlestat
  B. The v$datafile dynamic performance view
  C. The v$filestat dynamic performance view
  D. The report generated by the utlfileio script

3. What statistic do you look at to detect redo log contention?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Redo buffer allocation retries
  B. Redo buffer contention
  C. Redo buffer log retries
  D. Contention log retry buffers

4. Which of the following is a possible solution to redo log buffer contention?
Please select the best answer.
  A. Increase the value of the db_block_size parameter.
  B. Increase the value of the log_buffers parameter.
  C. Increase the value of the shared_pool_size parameter.
  D. Increase the value of the db_block_buffers parameter.