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Enabling Automatic Archiving log files - Exercise


Objective: Practice taking a newly installed Oracle instance and enabling automatic archiving of the log files

Exercise scoring

This exercise is worth a total of 10 points.


You have just installed a new Oracle installation. Your database is called gl1. Our goal is to set up this database to enable duplex archive logs and automatic archiving of the redo log files.
Here are the contents of the init.ora file that was created after your default installation:
db_name = GL1
db_files = 1020
control_files = ("c:\oracle8\database\ctl1gl1.ora")
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8
db_block_buffers = 200
shared_pool_size = 11534336
log_checkpoint_interval = 8000
processes = 50
dml_locks = 100
log_buffer = 8192
sequence_cache_entries = 10
sequence_cache_hash_buckets = 10
#audit_trail = true
#timed_statistics = true
background_dump_dest = c:\oracle8\rdbms80\trace
user_dump_dest = c:\oracle8\rdbms80\trace
db_block_size =2048
compatible =
sort_area_size = 65536
log_checkpoint_timeout = 0
remote_login_passwordfile = shared
max_dump_file_size = 10240


You must set up your database in archivelog mode and make the appropriate modifications to your initgl1.ora file to support the following configuration: Duplex archive log destinations:
We want to ensure that all archive logs are successfully written to.

Submitting your exercise

1. Please enter the modifications that you will make to the initgl1.ora file in the text area below, using the correct syntax.

2. In the text area below, identify the steps and server manager commands that you will enter to convert the database from noarchivelog mode to archivelog mode. Enter the server manager command as:
SVRMGR> correct server manager syntax
with an explanation of what the command will do.