In the case of object tables that have references to other object tables, the INSERT statement is based on a query to the referencing object.
For example, within the SALE_HEADER table, the CUST_REF column is associated with CUSTOMER_TYPE, which is maintained within CUSTOMER_OBJ_TABLE. To insert a record into the SALE_HEADER table, you must query CUSTOMER_OBJ_TABLE for values within the CUST_REF column. An example of such an INSERT statement is:
INSERT INTO sale_header
500,(SELECT REF(C) FROM customer_obj_table
c WHERE cust_id = 1),89.45, 3.58, 15, 108.03, '01-AUG-00',
In this example, the INSERT statement has a sub query, which retrieves the reference information from the CUSTOMER_OBJ_TABLE table that is maintained within the CUST_REF column in the SALE_HEADER table. Let us look at another example that inserts a record into the PET_CARE_LOG_OBJ_TABLE table. The PRODUCT_ID column has a reference to PRODUCT_OBJ_TABLE. One example of an INSERT statement for inserting a record into this table looks like the following:
INSERT INTO pet_care_log_obj_table VALUES(
(SELECT REF(p) FROM product_obj_table p
WHERE product_id = 34),
to_date('05-JAN-00 12:30PM','dd-mon-yy hh:miPM'),
'JANET', 'New puppy needs vaccination.,
to_date('16-JAN-00 01:30PM','dd-mon-yy hh:miPM')
This example is just another way of inserting into the PET_CARE_LOG_OBJ_TABLE table. Here, we have a query to select a reference for the PRODUCT_ID column from the PRODUCT_OBJ_TABLE table. This example differs from the example in the previous lesson, because this query is for getting the reference information only. Take a look at the diagram below for the syntax and an example of inserting records into object tables by using a sub query:
Syntax for Inserting Rows in Oracle Table
INSERT INTO <table_name>
VALUES (<non REF column values>,
(SELECT REF (table alias) from <table_name> alias
WHERE <clause>),
<other non-REF column values>
Location 1
The INSERT statement specifying the table
Location 2
The values of the columns in the order of the definition of columns during object table creation
Location 3
The sub query to select reference data
Location 4
The other column data
Location 5
The end of the INSERT statement
INSERT INTO sale_header
VALUES (500,
(SELECT REF(C) FROM customer_obj_table
c where CUST_ID=1),
89.45, 3.58, 15, 108.03, '01-AUG-00',
The INSERT statement specifying the table
The values of the columns in the order of the definition of columns during object table creation
The sub query to select reference data
The other column data
The end of the INSERT statement
Inserting Rows in Database Table Example
The following diagram describes inserting rows using the PL/SQL Programming language.
INSERT INTO sale_header
VALUES (500,
(SELECT REF(C) FROM customer_obj_table
c where CUST_ID = 1),
Location 1
The INSERT statement specifying the table
Location 2
The values of the columns in the order of the definition of columns during object table creation
Location 3
The sub query to select reference data
Location 4
The other column data
Location 5
The end of the INSERT statement
Using Compound DML Triggers with Bulk Insertion
A compound DML trigger is useful for accumulating rows destined for a second table so that you can periodically bulk-insert them. To get the performance benefit from the compound trigger, you must specify BULK COLLECT INTO in the FORALL statement (otherwise, the FORALL statement does a single-row DML operation multiple times). The following section contains more information about using the BULK COLLECT clause using the FORALL statement.
Bulk insert Example
Here is a working example of a bulk insert. It compares a traditional insert (for i in) to the bulk insert (forall i):
-- create a test table for the bulk insert
drop table test_objects;
create table
tablespace users as
select object_name, object_type from dba_objects;
-- Populate the table into a array using bulk collect
TYPE t_tab IS TABLE OF test_objects%ROWTYPE;
objects_tab t_tab := t_tab();
start_time number; end_time number;
-- Populate a collection
FROM test_objects;
-- Time the population of the table with a bulk insert
Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
FORALL i in objects_tab.first .. objects_tab.last
INSERT INTO test_objects VALUES objects_tab(i);
end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Bulk Insert: '||to_char(end_time-start_time));
-- Populate the table without a bulk insert
Start_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
FOR i in objects_tab.first .. objects_tab.last LOOP
INSERT INTO test_objects (object_name, object_type)
VALUES (objects_tab(i).object_name, objects_tab(i).object_type);
end_time := DBMS_UTILITY.get_time;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Conventional Insert: '||to_char(end_time-start_time));
In the next lesson, we will look at writing DML statements to update the records within object tables.