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Join keyword Syntax using SQL - Server

column_name is the name of the column from which you are requesting data. If you wish to retrieve data from all columns, you can use the * wildcard.
1) column_name is the name of the column from which you are requesting data. If you wish to retrieve data from all columns, you can use the * wildcard.

ltable_name is the name of the table involved on the left side of the join.
2) ltable_name is the name of the table involved on the left side of the join.

rtable_name is the name of the table involved on the right side of the join.
3) rtable_name is the name of the table involved on the right side of the join.

lcolumn_name is the name of the column in the ltable_name that will be used to perform the join in the rtable_name.
4) lcolumn_name is the name of the column in the ltable_name that will be used to perform the join in the rtable_name.

rcolumn_name is the name of the column in the rtable_name that will be used to perform the join in the ltable_name.
5) rcolumn_name is the name of the column in the rtable_name that will be used to perform the join in the ltable_name.

search_conditions is the way you specify the actual rows in the table that you want to retrieve. If you omit the WHERE clause, every row in the table will be retrieved. So specifying a WHERE clause in your queries is generally a good idea.
6) search_conditions is the way you specify the actual rows in the table that you want to retrieve. If you omit the WHERE clause, every row in the table will be retrieved. So specifying a WHERE clause in your queries is generally a good idea.