The PUBS database is one of the more standardized databases that is referenced frequently when working with SQL for the first time.
The database includes information about a theoretical operation that works with books, publishers, and the sales of those books. It lends itself well to experimenting with the different statements you will be learning. Below is an excerpt from the movie the "Time Machine" which discusses the importance of books.
Having said that SQL tries to simplify one set of terms, I must say too that it does its best to complicate another.
I refer to its use of the terms
- operator,
- function,
- procedure,
- routine, and
- method,
all of which denote essentially the same thing (with, perhaps, very minor differences).
In this course I willl use the term operator throughout; thus, for example, I will refer to
- = (equality comparison),
- := (assignment),
- + (addition),
all as operators specifically. Talking of SQL, incidentally, let me remind you that (as stated in the preface) I use that term to mean the standard version of the language exclusively, except in a few places where the context demands otherwise.