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Lesson 15

SQL Server Conclusion

This module contained many of the important topics needed to use SQL Server 2000 on a daily basis when inserting data.
In addition, it contains much of the information that is relevant to passing the 70-029 Microsoft exam. Having completed this module, you should be ableto:
  1. Use literal values in your INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries
  2. Use INSERT and UPDATE queries to modify a table using values from another table
  3. Write INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements using subqueries
  4. Optimize your INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements

Glossary terms

This module introduced you to the following terms:
  1. Literal value: A value that is actually specified in Transact-SQL code and not stored in a variable or table. Examples of literal values include "free", "[email protected]", 72, and 1283. Literal values that store character data are called string literals and are always enclosed in quotations.
  2. Query plan: The method that SQL Server uses to access data in the fastest possible way.
  3. Query optimizer: The query optimizer is a part of the SQL Server engine, and determines the best way for SQL Server to execute a query. For example, it determines which index to use when executing a query.
  4. Table scan: The Query Optimizer reads the complete contents of a table, instead of using an index.
In the next module, you will learn how to implement full-text searching.

Inserting Data - Quiz

Before moving on to the next module, click the Quiz link below to check your knowledge of the material covered in this module with a short, multiple-choice quiz.
Inserting Data - Quiz