Memory Architecture   «Prev  Next»

Memory Architecture Definitions

Objective: Understand, at a relatively high level, how Oracle works. Just as a pilot needs to understand the basics of flight and how an airplane is put together, a database administrator (DBA) of an Oracle database needs to understand what parts make up both the Oracle instance and the database, how these are configured, and how client applications access the database to query and modify data. However, the pilot of an airplane is not the person who has all the answers. Where an aircraft mechanic has more knowledge about the inner workings of the jet engine, for example, the database administrator does not necessarily need to know intimate details about how the different components of Oracle work but does need to understand the interrelationships between them.

Shared pool Contains the data dictionary cache, the shared SQL area, and shared PL/SQL code
LRU list Organizes database buffers in order of use
Program Global Area Contains process specific information
SORT_AREA_SIZE Is the maximum size allowed for a Sort Area
Large pool An area of memory from which large allocations can be made
SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE Is the maximum size to be kept allocated to a Sort Area after a sort has completed
Dirty List Identifies modified buffers in the database buffer cache
Shared SQL Area Contains SQL execution plans so they can be used by all processes