Sorting Operations   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 10

Oracle Sorting Operations Conclusion

In this module we carefully explored all of the causes and remedies for internal Oracle sorting.
Now you should be able to:
  1. Describe how Oracle performs sorts
  2. Identify the parameters that govern sorting operations
  3. Identify sorts in SQL statements
  4. Monitor for disk sorts
  5. Enable direct sorting in Oracle
  6. Allocate and size dedicated TEMP tablespace
  7. Monitor temporary segments in the TEMP tablespace
  8. Remove a sort from an SQL query

New terms

Here are some terms from this module that may be new to you:
  1. sorting: The process of re-sequencing result sets from Oracle queries.
  2. in-memory sorts: Sorts that are performed very quickly in the memory allocated to sort_area_size.
  3. disk sorts: Occurs when sorts exceed sort_area_size and Oracle will sort the result set in the TEMP tablespace.
  4. SMON: The Oracle system monitor process.
  5. index hint: A directive made in an SQL statement to force the use of an index when servicing a query.
In the next module, you will begin to learn about how the Oracle locking scheme impacts database performance.

Sorting Tuning Techniques - Quiz

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Sorting Tuning Techniques - Quiz