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Lesson 7 Enterprise Manager
Objective Use the Enterprise Manager to administer SQL servers.

Enterprise Manager to administer SQL - Server

The Enterprise Manager is a tool that enables you to administer one or more SQL servers. You will use this more than any other tool that comes with SQL Server 2012. The Enterprise Manager is similar to the Windows Explorer, except that you will use it to browse all database objects, including databases, tables, indexes, stored procedures, and views. You will learn about these objects in upcoming lessons.

Enterprise Manager
Enterprise Manager

With the Enterprise Manager, you can "drill down" a hierarchical list of objects, just as you do with the Windows Explorer.
The following Slideshow shows how Enterprise Manager works.

The highest level of objects within the Enterprise Manager is the Console Root Below the console root is a list of SQL Servers; each with its own folder. Most often, you will want to look at the database foler. Under the Databases folder, you see every database that you have created on a specific server. If you drill down the database, you will see the hierarchical list of objects contained within it

Console Root Enterprise Manager

Create New Objects

In addition to using the Enterprise Manager as a browser to view SQL Server objects, you can use it to create new objects. and to alter or delete existing objects. The Enterprise Manager supports the right mouse button, which is context sensitive .
For example, if you wanted to alter a table, you could either use the Query Analyzer (as you will see in the next lesson), or you could drill down to the table in question and use the context-sensitive right mouse button. My point is that most logical operations that you wish to perform on an object can be accessed through the Enterprise Manager. In the next lesson, you will learn how to use the Query Analyzer.