Network Config  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 2Prerequisites
ObjectiveVerify that you have the necessary background for this course.

Oracle Network Course Prerequisites

In order to get the most from this course, you should have a basic understanding of the UNIX operating system, PL/SQL coding techniques, and the following Oracle database concepts:
  1. Oracle tables and tablespaces
  2. Oracle instances
  3. The Oracle data dictionary

In addition, you should be able to:
  1. Identify networking business trends and problems
  2. Describe Oracle’s networking solutions
  3. Develop an Oracle network topology
  4. Define the procedure by which Oracle Net establishes a server connection
  5. Create a network that utilizes the (TNS) transparent network substrate
  6. Configure the listener using the Oracle Net Manager
  7. Set up multiple listeners on the same node
  8. Install the Oracle Net Services client software
  9. Use the host-naming method to test Oracle net connectivity
If you do not feel comfortable with one or more of these topics, techniques, or procedures, you may want to consider taking the
  1. Oracle Network Topology and
  2. Basic SQL

In the next lesson, we will outline what you need to realize the full potential of this course.