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Lesson 8Monitoring MTS
ObjectiveUse UNIX and Oracle Tools to monitor MTS Connections.

Use UNIX and Oracle Tools

Monitor Oracle Shared Server Connections

Because each dispatcher that is defined in the init.ora file will become a UNIX process, you will be able to see the dispatcher processes in UNIX after the database is started. View the code below to see the three dispatchers that we have defined thus far:
dilbert:[/u/oracle] > ps -ef|grep ora_d0

  oracle 19236     1   0 07:42:15      -  0:00 ora_d001_fred 
  oracle 29520     1   0 07:42:15      -  0:00 ora_d000_fred 
  oracle 30084 32034   1 07:47:09  pts/7  0:00 grep ora_d0 
  oracle 33642     1   0 07:42:15      -  0:00 ora_d002_fred

  1. ora_d000_fred,
  2. ora_d001_fred, and
  3. ora_d002_fred.

The UNIX ps command is very useful for viewing the MTS dispatchers, but you can also view MTS activity through the Oracle dictionary. The v$queue and v$dispatcher data dictionary views will indicate if the number of MTS dispatchers is too low.
View the Code below to see what the v$queue data dictionary view looks like.

View the code below to see what the v$dispatcher data dictionary view looks like.

SQL> select * from v$queue;

PADDR    TYPE           QUEUED       WAIT     TOTALQ
-------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
00       COMMON              0          0         15
00       OUTBOUND            0          0          0
420548A4 DISPATCHER          0          1         15
42054B0C DISPATCHER          0          0          0
42054D74 DISPATCHER          0          0          0

SQL> select * from v$dispatcher;

NAME  NETWORK                                                                   
                                                       PADDR    STATUS          
----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------ -------- ----------------
 --- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
- ----------
D000  (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=yes)(PROTOCOL=ipc))                                     
                                                       450660D4 WAIT            
 YES        202      13320          0          0          2    4681834        17
4          0
D001  (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=yes)(PROTOCOL=ipc))                                     
                                                       4506633C WAIT            
 YES        313      21904          0          0          4    4681771        24
0          0
D002  (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=yes)(PROTOCOL=tcp))                                     
                                                       450665A4 WAIT            
 YES     811151   92165767          0         17       3931    4449027     23298
3          0
D003  (ADDRESS=(PARTIAL=yes)(PROTOCOL=tcp))                                     
                                                       4506680C WAIT            
 YES     660608   72314081          0         18       3166    4490706     19130

The next lesson explains how to identify contention in MTS.

Monitoring MTS - Quiz

Before moving on to the next lesson, click the Quiz link below to check your mastery of connection pooling and MTS monitoring.
Monitoring Shared Server - Quiz