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Lesson 6 Connection pooling using MTS, part 1
ObjectiveDescribe the theory behind connection pooling.

Connection Pooling using MTS

Note: As of Oracle 9i, MTS Server has been deprecated and replaced with Oracle Shared Server.
Connection pooling is an option that enables Oracle to maximize the number of physical network connections to a multi-threaded server.
This is achieved using one or more of the following strategies:
  1. Sharing or pooling a dispatcher's set of connections among multiple client processes
  2. Re-using physical connections (making them available for incoming clients)
  3. Maintaining a logical session with the previous idle connection
The following MouseOver illustrates an example.

Connection Pooling
  1. Maximum number of connections was configured to 266.
  2. Client application has idled past the specified time and an incoming client requests a connection.
  3. This client connection is the 266th connection into the server. Because connection pooling is turned on, this connection will be accepted.

Connection Pooling
By using a time-out mechanism to temporarily release transport connections that have been idle for a specified time period, connection pooling will "suspend" a previous connection and re-use the physical connection. When the idle client has more work to do, the physical connection is reestablished with the dispatcher. The next lesson discusses how to enable connection pooling.