Network Config
Network Admin
Network Topology
Parallel Server
Oracle Network Administration
Oracle Net Features
Net Listener Features
Net Scalability Features
Oracle Partitioned Tables
Net Connectivity Features
Oracle Manageability Features
Oracle Security Features
Net Services Conclusion
Net Services Installation
Net Pre Installation
View Net Assistant
Add Oracle Net Features
Net Listener OEM
NetServices Line Commands
Net Configuration Assistant
Oracle NetManager Conclusion
Net Applications
Using Connection Manager
Net Multiplexing Configuration
Understanding Connection Pooling
Configure Loadbalancing Network
Radius Adapter Purpose
Configure Radius Adapter
Distributed Databases
Distributed Database Server
Oracle Queue Propagation
Using Primary Key Snapshots
Updateable Snapshots
Deferred Constraints
LOG Support Replication
Monitoring Replication Events
Implement Snapshot Security
Instantiating Snapshot Sites Offline
Snapshot Deployment
Distributed Databases
Partitioned Tables
Partitioning Index Organized Tables
Arrange SQL in Order
Partitioning Object Tables
Enabling Row Movement
Enable Row Movement
Manipulating Partitions
Exchange Partition with Table
Exchange Table Partition
Partitionwise Queries Joins
Parallel Server
Enable Parallel DML
Transparent Application Failover - Exercise
Configuring TAF in tnsnames.ora file
Place code lines in the correct order.
Exercise Scoring
This exercise is not scored. It is an opportunity for you to check your understanding of the material covered in the preceding lesson.
Below are 12 lines of code required to configure Network Services for Transparent Application Failover, but they are presented out of order. Place the steps into the correct order, with the first step at the top of the list. When you think you have the steps in the correct order, click the
button. You will then see a results page with the correct solution.
When you are ready for an explanation, click the