Access Tools  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 11

Using Access tools Conclusion

This module discussed some of the more powerful Access tools that can enhance your database. These capabilities allow you more control over and access to your data. In this module, you learned how to:
  1. Set and modify an Access database password
  2. Use the Startup dialog options to customize the layout of your database and the functionality available to users
  3. Identify seven add-in utilities that increase the functionality of Access
  4. Encrypt and decrypt a database and identify the reasons to use encryption
  5. Define Replication, identify its purpose, and list the ways it can be done
  6. Create a copy of a database by using Replication, then synchronize the copies
Replicating a Microsoft Access database involves generating an exact copy or clone of an existing database, either for the purpose of backup, testing, or data distribution. Multiple strategies can be adopted to achieve this objective, each having its own pros and cons. Below are the best practices, delineated in a technical writing style, to replicate a Microsoft Access database using Microsoft Office 365 with Access 2021:

Method 1: Use the In-built “Save Database As” Feature

  1. Open the Source Database: Open the Access database you wish to replicate.
  2. Navigate to “Save As”: Go to `File` > `Save As`.
  3. Choose Location and File Type: Select where you want to save the new database. Choose an appropriate file type, most commonly `.accdb`.
  4. Execute: Click `Save As`. This will generate an exact copy of the original database including tables, queries, forms, and other objects.
  1. Simple and straightforward.
  2. No third-party tools required.
  1. Manual operation; not suitable for regular or automated replications.

Method 2: Exporting Individual Objects

  1. Open Source Database: Open the database you want to replicate.
  2. Select Object to Export: Right-click on the database object (e.g., table, query, form).
  3. Export: Choose an appropriate format like `.accdb` and specify the destination database.
  4. Repeat: Perform the same steps for each database object.
  1. Allows selective replication.

  1. Time-consuming and error-prone for databases with many objects.

Method 3: Scripting with SQL or VBA

  1. Backup: Always backup the original database before running scripts.
  2. Open Source Database: Open the original database in Access.
  3. Open VBA Editor: Press `Alt + F11` to open the VBA editor.
  4. Run Script: Execute an SQL or VBA script to copy the database objects and data to the destination database.
  1. Automatable.
  2. Offers granular control over the replication process.
  1. Requires programming skills.
  2. Risk of data corruption if not executed properly.

Method 4: Third-Party Software

  1. Choose Software: Opt for a trusted third-party software specialized in database replication.
  2. Follow Vendor Guidelines: Each tool will have its own guidelines. Follow them rigorously.
  1. May offer advanced features like incremental backups and synchronization.
  1. Costs associated with purchasing software.


  1. Data Integrity: Ensure that all data types and constraints are preserved during the replication.
  2. Confidentiality and Security: Use secure methods for transferring the database to protect sensitive information.
For one-time replications, the built-in “Save Database As” method is the most straightforward. For repeated or automated replications, scripting or third-party software is more appropriate. Choose the method that best fits the scope and scale of your project.

It will take some time and practice to grow comfortable with these features, and you might never use some of them. For example, I have never needed to encrypt any of my databases. However, some of the features, such as the options on the Startup dialog, I use with every database I create. In the next module, see how to automate tasks and take advantage of macros.

Encryption Replication Converting Data - Quiz

Before moving on, complete this quiz to test your skills.
Encryption Replication Converting Data - Quiz