Parameter name | Description | Improvement over earlier Oracle versions. |
DB_BLOCK_CHECKING | Identifies corrupt blocks when changes are made to a block. | Earlier detections of corrupted blocks. |
ENT_DOMAIN_NAME | Identify which global domain this server belongs to. Used for Oracle Advanced Security. | Allows global user security to be implemented. |
FAST_START_IO_TARGET | Specifies the number of I/O writes before the database is made available to users. | Smaller values for this parameter result in faster recovery times. |
FAST_START_PARALLEL_ROLLBACK | Specifies the maximum number of parallel processors that can perform a rollback. | Higher values utilize more parallel processors for faster rollback. |
HS_AUTOREGISTER | Enables self-registration of agents that connect to the database. | Less overhead for subsequent connections of the same agent. |
INSTANCE_NAME | Identifies an instance when there are multiple instances on the same server. | Compatible with new feature for multiple services that connect to the same database instance. |
JAVA_POOL_SIZE | Size of the Java Pool. | Allows larger Java Pool when more Java activity is used on the database. |
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n | Specifies location of multiple archives. | Needed to use the new standby backup database and READ ONLY database features. |
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n | Enable or disable one of the multiple archive destinations. | Used for multiple archive feature. |
LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES | Define number of ARCH background processes to start. | Used for multiple archive feature. |
NLS_COMP | Require language-specific sorts for queries if the NLS_SORT is used in the session. | Easier foreign language (NLS) compatibility. |
NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY | Override default currency symbol. | Easier foreign language (NLS) compatibility. |
PARALLEL_AUTOMATIC_TUNING | Allow Oracle to tune parallel queries. | Less demand for Shared Pool resources. |
PARALLEL_SERVER_INSTANCES | Specifies the number of parallel server instances. | Less demand for Shared Pool resources. |
PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU | Number of parallel threads the CPU can handle. | Better load balancing for parallel execution of processes. |
QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED | Allows query to be rewritten to use a materialized view. | Take advantage of materialized views. |
QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY | Enforces relationship integrity when rewriting a query. | Take advantage of materialized views. |
RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN | Specify a resource manager plan to use. | Take advantage of the resource manager. |
SERVICE_NAMES | Specify multiple service names for an instance, if desired. | Use to create multiple services for the same instance. |
SORT_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT | Tune large data sorts. | More efficient handling of high volumes of data. |
STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST | Defines archive logs used for the standby database. | Needed to create a standby database. |