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Lesson 4 Configuring Management Server for batch jobs and email
Objective Configure the Management Server to use a specified user for its batch jobs and email.

Configuring Shared Server for batch jobs (email)

In the previous lesson we created a new Windows user that is allowed to log in as a batch job. This lesson teaches you how to configure the Management Server to use this user for its batch jobs. The attributes you will create in this lesson are called preferred credentials in the Enterprise Manager.
Follow along with the simulation to set up the credentials.

1) Text 1 2) Text 2 3) Text 3 4) Text 4 5) Text 5 6) Text 6 7) Text 7 8) Text 8 9) Text 9 10) Text 10 11) Text 11 12) Text 12 13) Text 13 14) Text 14
  1. Log in as the super-administrator.
  2. Click OK
  3. Administrator box
  4. sysman
  5. Type in the administrator name (sysman) and password (oem_temp).
  6. oem_temp
  7. Password box
  8. Type in the administrator name (sysman) and password (oem_temp).
  1. Go to the Preferences window.
  2. Right click System menu,
  3. Remember to right-click the System menu selection.
  4. Remember to right-click the System menu selection.
  1. Go to the Preferences window.
  2. Right click Preferences
  3. Remember to right-click the Preferences menu selection.
  4. Remember to right-click the Preferences menu selection.
  1. Continue
  2. Right click Preferred Credentials tab
  3. Continue. You will be setting the login name and password for the Windows node named localhost.
  4. Right click local host line in list
  5. Remember to right-click the selection.
  1. The username for this example is james and the password is batchjobs.
  2. Click OK
  3. Username box
  4. james
  5. Type in the user name (james) and password (batchjobs).
  6. Password box
  7. batchjobs
  8. Type in the user name (james) and password (batchjobs).
  9. Password confirm box
  10. batchjobs
  11. Type in the user name (james) and password (batchjobs).

Now you have prepared the Enterprise Manager console so that any batch jobs you create are run using the authorized Windows NT user. In addition, you configured the console to send email to your own email address. Note: If you have software set up on your PC that supports calling your pager, you can configure your Notification preferences in the same way that you did for email notification.

Configure Shared Server - Exercise

Click here to set up the preferred credentials on your own.
Configure Shared Server - Exercise
The next lesson shows how to set up a batch job with the console.