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Using sqlmaint.exe - Exercise

Using sqlmaint.exe

Objective:Identify the function of various sqlmaint.exe parameters.

Exercise scoring

You will receive 5 points for this exercise. The exercise is auto-scored; when you have completed the exercise, click the Submit button below to receive full credit.


Below are two sqlmaint.exe statements using various parameters. Examine them and describe, in your own words, what you think each one will accomplish based on the syntax it uses.

sqlmaint -S EasternRegion -U "sa" -P "SaPwd" 
-PlanName Plan01 -BkUpDB -BkUpMedia DISK -UseDefDir -CrBkSubDir -DelBkUps 4weeks

sqlmaint -S WesternRegion -U "" -P "" -PlanName Plan02 -BkUpDB 
-BkUpMedia DISK -UseDefDir –Rpt r1.rpt –CkDB -BkUpOnlyIfClean -VrfyBackup 


Write your answers for each statement in the text box below. When you are done with both, click the Submit Button below and you will receive credit for the exercise.