Monitoring Databases  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 12

Monitor SQL Server Databases Conclusion

This module discussed how to monitor SQL Server databases using SQL and SQL-EM. Now you should be able to:
  1. Monitor the size of a database
  2. Monitor the size of a database with SQL-EM
  3. Use dbcc to monitor databases
  4. Monitor the consistency of individual tables
  5. Perform the miscellaneous database monitoring with dbcc
  6. Monitor the transaction log
  7. Maintain statistics
  8. View statistics information
  9. Run sqlmaint.exe
  10. Use the Database Maintenance plan Wizard

Glossary terms

The following terms were introduced to you in this module:
  1. Extent: SQL Server allocation unit. An extent is 8 data pages.
  2. Fragmentation: A condition that occurs when data is not stored consecutively.
  3. Leaf page: The lowest level of an index.
  4. Single user mode: A database that is configured to allow only one user to access it.
  5. Statistics: Track the data distribution.
The next module will cover how to use SQL Server Profiler to monitor SQL Server.

Develop Database Maintenance Plan - Exercise

Before you continue, click the Exercise link below to check your understanding of monitoring and maintaining databases.
Develop Database Maintenance Plan - Exercise