Database Analysis
Database Design
Extended DB Features
Oracle SQL Extensions
ER Diagrams
Database Design
Database Structure
Relational Database Model
Relationally Complete
Relational Completeness
Database Structure
Linking Database Tables
Database Change Management
Relational DB Structure
Database Life Cycle
Database Design Strategy
Subject Approach DB Design
Design Subject
Application Approach Design
Schema Architecture
Three Schema Arch
DBLC Design Stages
Post Design Stages
Design Tools
DB Design Strategy Conclusion
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Analysis
Define Business Objects
BO Characteristics
Business Rules Importance
Interview Data Users
Data Flow Diagram
Creating User Views
Calculated Fields
Requirements Documentation
Requirements Analysis Conclusion
Attributes and Entities
Entities Conceptual Model
Store Entity Values
Rules for Creating Identifiers
Entity Instances
Attribute Domains Types
Multivalued Attribute
Multi-Valued Attributes
Multivalued Attribute(resolve)
Entity Attribute Constraints
Module Summary
ER Diagrams
ERD Concept
Three Relationship Types
One to One Relationships
Identify one To One
One to many Relationships
Identify One to Many
Define many To Many
Identify Many To Many
Many to Many Challenges
Convert m:n to 1:n
Mandatory Optional Relationship
Optional Participation Relationships
ERD Conclusion
ERD Conventions
ER Diagram
Three Model Types
idef1x Crowsfoot Chen Models
Entity Attribute Relationship
ER Diagram Types
Crow's Foot Notation
DB Participation Types
Interview End- Users
Verbalize ER Diagram
ER diagram model Types
Mandatory and Optional Participation - Exercise
Idenity Mandatory and optional relationships in an ERD diagram
Identify mandatory and optional relationships.
Exercise Scoring
This exercise is worth a total of 30 points. You will receive up to five points for correctly identifying the type of participation each entity belonging to Stories on CD, Inc. has within its relationships.
In the previous two lessons, you learned that every entity in a relationship has either mandatory or optional participation in its relationships. You also learned that the type of participation for a weak entity in a relationship is designated as
, whereas a mandatory entity is in a
Now that you have established the types of relationships that exist for all the entities belonging to Stories on CD, Inc., the final step is to identify the type of participation each entity has within its relationships. One relationship has been analyzed for you: CUSTOMER:ORDER, outlined below:
CUSTOMER:ORDER relationship
CUSTOMER = mandatory entity in a mandatory relationship
ORDER = weak entity in an optional relationship
Use the format outlined above to identify the types of participation each of the remaining entities has within it relationships.
Submitting your exercise
Type or paste your answers into the text box below, then click
button to submit your answer and view a results page.