Database Analysis  «Prev  Next»

Lesson 2 Relational Data Analysis Prerequisites
Objective What are the prerequisites for this course?

Relational Data Analysis Prerequisites

To successfully pursue the study of relational data analysis, several prerequisites should be fulfilled. These prerequisites equip you with the foundational knowledge and skills to understand and engage with the complexities and nuances of the field.
  1. Mathematical Background: A sound understanding of basic mathematics is necessary. This should include elementary algebra, probability, and statistics. Probability and statistics offer insights into how data is measured and how conclusions are drawn from data. Additionally, a grasp of calculus and linear algebra may be beneficial as it opens up the understanding of many advanced algorithms used in data analysis.
  2. Logical Reasoning: Data analysis involves dealing with abstract concepts and requires problem-solving skills. Logical reasoning ability is crucial for understanding how relations between data points are created and how they can be used to extract meaningful insights.
  3. Programming Skills: While not strictly mandatory, having basic programming skills greatly aids in relational data analysis. Knowledge of a high-level programming language such as Python or R, which are widely used in data analysis, is beneficial. Experience with SQL (Structured Query Language) is also advantageous as it is commonly used for managing and manipulating relational databases.
  4. Understanding of Databases: An understanding of database principles, especially regarding relational database systems, is vital. You should be familiar with the concepts of tables, keys (primary and foreign), relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many), normalization, and Entity-Relationship (ER) models.
  5. Data Structures and Algorithms: Knowledge of basic data structures (like arrays, lists, sets, hash maps, trees, and graphs) and algorithms (like sorting, searching, and graph traversal) is crucial. They provide the necessary tools to handle large amounts of data efficiently and effectively.
  6. Familiarity with Data Analysis Tools: Knowledge of data analysis tools and libraries, such as Pandas for Python or dplyr for R, can be very beneficial. Additionally, having experience with visualization libraries (e.g., Matplotlib, ggplot2) and tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) can aid in the interpretation and presentation of data.
  7. Knowledge of Research Methods: Understanding the basics of research methods, including formulating research questions, hypotheses, and understanding the concept of variables (independent, dependent, and control) is key. It is also necessary to understand the differences between observational and experimental data, as well as between cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.

In conclusion, while it is possible to start studying relational data analysis with a minimal foundation, developing these prerequisites can dramatically improve the speed at which you can learn and apply relational data analysis concepts and techniques. These foundations help in understanding the nuances of the field and make it easier to develop advanced skills as you progress in your studies.
In order to complete this course successfully, you should have knowledge of data modeling techniques related to relational database design. Specifically, you should be able to:

  1. Explain relational database design concepts and terminology
  2. Explain the difference between conceptual and physical models
  3. Develop a conceptual design
  4. Analyze user information requirements
  5. Describe the entity/relationship modeling approach
  6. Identify entities
  7. Model relationships and identify attributes
  8. Use primary and foreign keys
The next lesson outlines what you need to realize the full potential of this course.

Database Model

There are numerous, precise explanations as to what exactly a
  1. database model or
  2. data model
is. A database model can be loosely used to describe an organized and ordered set of information stored on a computer. This ordered set of data is often structured using a data modeling solution in such a way as to make the retrieval of and changes to that data more efficient. Depending on the type of applications using the database, the database structure can be modified to allow for efficient changes to that data. It is appropriate to discover how different database modeling techniques have developed over the past 50 years to accommodate efficiency, in terms of both data retrieval and data changes.