Filter Records to display a subset of records in a Table
Question: How do I filter records to display a subset of records in a Table using Access 2016?
To filter records and display a subset of records in a table using Access 2016, follow these steps:
- Open the table you want to filter in Access 2016.
- Click on the Home tab in the ribbon.
- Click on the "Advanced" dropdown button in the Sort &Filter group.
- Select "Filter By Form" or "Filter By Selection" from the dropdown menu, depending on the type of filter you want to apply.
- For "Filter By Form," Access will open a blank form where you can specify the criteria you want to use to filter the records. Enter the criteria in the appropriate fields and then click on the "Apply Filter" button in the Sort &Filter group.
- For "Filter By Selection," select the cell or cells in the table that contain the value you want to filter by. Then, click on the "Advanced" dropdown button in the Sort &Filter group and select "Filter By Selection."
- Access will filter the records based on the criteria you specified and display only the records that match the criteria.
To remove the filter and display all records in the table again, click on the "Toggle Filter" button in the Sort & Filter group.
Overall, filtering records in Access 2016 is a quick and easy way to display a subset of records in a table based on specific criteria.
Narrow the RecordSet using Filtering
In a table with hundreds or thousands of records, scrolling back and forth in the datasheet is about as relaxing as a pneumatic drill at 3:00 a.m.
Sometimes, you do not even need to see all the records at once since they are distraction from the data you are really interested in.
In this case, you should cut the datasheet down to just the records that interest you by means of filtering. To filter records, you specify a condition that the record must meet to be included in the datasheet. For example, an online store might pick out food items from a full product catalog, a shipping company might look for orders made last week, and a dating service might hunt down bachelors who do not live with their parents. When you apply a filter condition, you end up hiding all the records that do not match your requirements. They are still in the table.
Access has several different ways to apply filters. In the following sections, you will start with the simplest, and then move on to the more advanced options.