Designing Reports   «Prev 

Create Labels using Label Wizard

To quickly review the basic steps and some good practices, you can start by creating a report to print event badges. This will use the built-in features for labels to get a preset size. You will also customize the look by formatting the company name, using the person's preferred name if it is provided, and formatting the fields to emphasize the person's name and company. You might also include conditional formatting, such as designating a color based on the role of the person. You could also include a company or event logo, a barcode, or other event specific fields. You can use a similar approach for envelopes, address labels, and other purposes.
Start by selecting query qryEventPerson as the record source. Then on the Create Ribbon, go to the Reports tab and click the Label button. This opens the Label Wizard. To quickly create a name badge that will fit in most badge holders, you might choose Avery 4168, continuous feed, to create name badges that are 2 1/6 inches tall by 4 inches wide. After clicking Next, you can customize the font. This example uses Calibri, size 10, Medium weight in the default black color. After clicking Next, you will begin selecting the fields to appear on the badge.

Create Labels using the Label Wizard

1) Mailing Labels1
1) Create labels using the Label Wizard 1

2) Mailing Labels2
2) In the New Report dialog box, choose label wizard at the bottom.

3) Mailing Labels3
3) The first window of the Label Wizard asks me to select the label I want to use.

4) Mailing Labels4
4) I have selected Enlgish as the unit of measure (my labels are measured in inches) and Avery as the manufacturer.

5) Mailing Labels5
5) Here I have used the scroll bar to display my label (5163), I have selected it, and now I am ready to go on to the nexst windpow by clicking the Nexst button.

6) Mailing Labels6
6) This window asks me about the text appearamce of my label. I am going to choose Arial black in 12 pt.

7) Mailing Labels7
7) Notice how the sample box on the left has changed.
It shows me what the text will look like with my current settings. I am ready to click the next button.

8) Mailing Labels8
8) This window is a little tricky because it is not like any other field selection window in Access's other Wizards. Using this window you select the fields for the label and you also add spaces and punctuation as needed. Because I am creating a mailing label, I want the address line to appear as City, State, Zip (With a comma and space after city and a space between state and Zip.) The first step is to start the first line with the first name so I double click the "First Name" field.

9) Mailing Labels9
9) Now I want the last name to appear on the same line as first name, but with the space between the two. So I press the spacebar and then double click Last Name. Since that line of the label is finished, I press enter to start the next line.

10) Mailing Labels10
10) This line is just the street address, so I double click the Street field and press "Enter" to start the next line.

11) Mailing Labels11
11) The last line needs the City, State and Zip fields with requisite punctuation. So I double click "City" type a comma, press the space bar, double click State, press the space bar, and finally double-click Zip.

12) Mailing Labels12
12) Ready for the next window

13) Mailing Labels13
13) This window asks you how you want to sort your labels, I will sort by zip code by double clicking the Zip field. Now let us go on to the last window.

14) Mailing Labels14
14) I will stick with the settings Access has provided here and click the "Finish" button to see my labels.

15) Mailing Labels15
15) The label wizard creates my report with the text perfectly located to print one address on each label. You can edit this report in design view, but if you want to use the "Label Wizard" you have to create a whole new report.